

On the seventeenth of January 2005, a Royal Decree was issued to establish Tafila Technical University as a public university which currently contributes to the development of higher education in Jordan.

Since then, the university has sought to realize the objectives for which it was established. On top of these objectives are the reinforcement of spiritual and moral values​​, national pride, Arab Islamic identity, and the development of students’ talents, with emphasis on the qualities of leadership and citizenship. The ways to realize these objectives include offering higher education opportunities, disseminating knowledge about the constructive role of the Arab-Islamic civilization in the progress of human civilizations, and meeting the communal need for specialists in the fields of science and technology, and arts. Having a qualified generation would help our country encounter contemporary and future challenges in various fields of life. In addition, the university encourages scientific research, sets findings into practice and uses modern technologies for the overall development of Jordan.

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electrical monitoring system